LSSIYCE Legal information

In accordance with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (hereinafter LSSIYCE), CV MÈDICA SL declares that the domain is the property of CV MÈDICA SL, assigned tax identification number B-43285592, and with a registered address of Pol. Ind. La Plana c/Ponent, n.1, 43424 SARRAL (Tarragona).

CV MÈDICA SL is registered with the Trade Register of TARRAGONA in volume 719, folio 168, page number T-1125.

CV MÈDICA SL is not liable for any incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information that appears on this website.

Within the limits established by law, CV MÈDICA SL is not liable for the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and precision of the data or information on this website. The contents and information on the CV MÈDICA SL website are prepared by professionals duly qualified for the exercise of their profession. However, the contents and information do not bind the aforementioned, nor do they constitute opinions, recommendations or legal advice of any kind but simply a service offered for information and dissemination purposes.

The CV MÈDICA SL website may contain links to other third party pages. Therefore, it shall not be liable for any content that may appear on third party websites. The texts, images, sounds, animation, software and all other content on this website are the exclusive property of CV MÈDICA SL or the corresponding licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication is only possible with the express consent of CV MÈDICA SL.

Personal data protection

By virtue of the Personal Data Protection regulations, you hereby authorise the personal data provided to be included in a file called Web Users, which is the responsibility of CV MÉDICA, with a registered address of Pol. Ind. La Plana c/Ponent, n.1, 43424 SARRAL (Tarragona).

The purpose of this processing is to manage and control the performance of this medium for users and to respond to requests from them. This data will not be transferred to third parties and will be kept as long as it is essential or legitimate for the purpose for which it was collected.

In any case, you may revoke the consent granted as well as exercise your rights of access, rectification or erasure in addition to the restriction of the processing or object to such processing as well as the right to the portability of the data. These requests must be made by writing to Pol. Ind. La Plana v. Ponent, n.1, 43424 SARRAL (Tarragona), sending an e-mail to [email protected] or through our contact form.

Industrial and intellectual property

This website is the property of CV MÈDICA SL. The Intellectual Property rights and rights of exploitation and reproduction to this website, the pages, screens, information, appearance and design, as well as the links (“hyperlinks”) established from it to other websites of any CV MÈDICA SL subsidiary and/or holding company are the exclusive property of the former unless expressly specified otherwise.

Any name, design and/or logo, as well as any product or service offered and reflected on this website are trademarks duly registered by CV MÈDICA SL, its subsidiaries and/or third parties.

Any improper use thereof by parties other than the legitimate owner without the express and unequivocal consent of the latter may be denounced and prosecuted through all legal means existing in the Spanish and/or EU legal system.

Third party intellectual property rights and trademarks are conveniently highlighted and must be respected by everyone who accesses this page. CV MÈDICA SL is not responsible for the use that the USER may make in this respect.  The User is the sole party liable.

Downloading the contents and copying or printing any page of this website is only allowed for personal and private use. Reproducing, transferring, modifying or deleting the information, content or warnings on this website is prohibited without prior written permission from CV MÈDICA SL.

CV MÈDICA SL does not transfer ownership of its software to users. The user is the owner of the media on which the software is recorded. CV MÈDICA SL owns all the industrial and intellectual property rights, including the software. If the user transfers the software of this website to his/her terminal, he/she will not be allowed to dissect it for study or decompile or translate the version of the original source code or the language to another code or language.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general conditions are governed by Spanish law and the Spanish Courts and Tribunals are competent to hear any matters that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and fulfilment thereof. THE USER, by virtue of his/her acceptance of the general conditions contained in this legal notice, expressly waives any jurisdiction that may correspond to him/her by application of the Civil Procedure Law in force.

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